Alcoholic Fermentation

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How do you make alcoholic beverages? This article would discuss the second type of fermentation. It would also show the process of making alcoholic beverages through Alcoholic Fermentation.

This process would undergo two stages to produce ethanol. In the first stage, the pyruvic acid from glycolysis loses one carbon which is released as carbon dioxide (CO2). Then, it produces a two-carbon molecule called acetylaldehyde. For the second stage, the NADH gives its electron to acetaldehyde forming ethanol, while NADH is oxidized to NAD+. The animation below would help you understand the process better.
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Alcoholic/ Ethanol Fermentation is produced by yeast and most plant cells. Breads rise and manufacturing of alcohol beverages are due to yeast which use this process to produce ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide (CO2) as waste products. However, alcohol is toxic to yeast in large quantities which the same with humans, thus puts an upper limit on the percentage alcohol of these drinks. It ranges from 5 percent to 21 percent, depending on the yeast strain and environmental conditions.
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If this process can produce alcoholic beverages, then how are these drink made? Here are some of the ingredients needed to make an alcoholic beverage.
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Here is a video that would show you the process of making beer.

NOTE: Only two types of fermentation is discussed in this blog, since those are the most common type of fermentation.

Stay tuned!

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